
Ikeda Kazuto P.E.Jp office

Please feel free to contact to the email address below.
連絡先 (Point of contact)
大変お手数をおかけしますが、以下のメールアドレスをコピーし、Outlookなどの宛先欄に貼り付けて送信下さい。送信メールの本文には、「氏名」「会社名と部署名」「ご担当の役職または職務」「メールアドレスと電話番号」「お問い合わせ内容」を記載下さい。また、Outlookなどの連絡先リストに以下のメールアドレスをご登録下さい。連絡先リストの氏名欄には、「池田和人技術士事務所 : 池田和人(いけだかずと)」と記載下さい。
Please copy the email address below and paste it into your email address. Please include your name, company name and department name, email address and phone number, and inquiry details in your email. We would also appreciate it if you could add the following email addresses to your contact list. Please write "Kazuto Ikeda" in the name column of your contact list.
I may not be able to answer the phone during my job. I hope you to understand my situation. I am not good at speaking and listening to English very well. On the other hand, I can read and write English. I am looking forward to doing a job with you.
住所 (Address)
〒510-0086 四日市市諏訪栄町4-10
[電話] 090-9890-4559
[メール] spuk3vz9@outlook.com
Ikeda Kazuto P.E.Jp office
MG-YOKKAICHI, 3F, Apika-Building
Suwasakae-cho, Yokkaichi, Mie, JAPAN
Post No.: 510-0086
営業時間 (Office hours)
日本時間(Japan time) 9:30 --21:00